Mobipocket Reader for Java phones - Alpha



Since the first alpha version, many features have been added into the application:

- An Index menu for the dictionary
- Adding a filter in the library (type eNews, eBooks or all)
- French language supported
- More devices are supported …

For the build 75, we have adding some tactile features:

- Navigation in the library:
* Slide with your index on the screen to chose your preferred book.
* Press on the cover in order to open an eBook.
* Press on the info rectangle in order to display more details about the book.

- Navigation in the Book screen:
* Just do a very small swipe on the screen right to left to flip to the next page and left to right to go to the previous page.
* Click on links in order to follow them.
* Click on images in order to open the image viewer.
-- Slide in any direction to Scroll the image in this view.

Edit for the build 77 :

New features :

- Adding a logo
- Adding a progress bar in the library
- Saving the parameter when you close the application
- Adding a new full screen mode
- Adding a setting : "open directly in a book"
- Supporting dictionary with two indexes
- Adding tactile features
* You can use the progress bar in the library and in the book for the navigation
* If you press a half second on the screen, you have the "selection mode"
* On this mode you can press on a word for a look up and you can do an highlight
* If you press a quarter second on a word, you can make a look up directly on the "normal mode"


See the mobipocket beta website or directly on your phone see the mobile web site